While the majority of Somalia's population are ethnic Somalis, there is a sizable minority Bantu population that continues to be marginalized by the dominant Somali society. In addition, the Bantu have had to deal with Al-Shabaab's presence in Jubba Land, where their farms were destroyed by the monumental flood last year. Many were forced to flee to the coastal city of Kismayo. Unable to live in the city due to security and political reasons, they live outside Kismayo and have an ongoing need for shelter and food. During the recent drought, they reported being the last ones to receive assistance from the NGO's that were providing food, so the Bantu who live in the United States (former refugees) and other donors stepped up efforts to collect money for food through the Bantu-run nonprofit, Gosha Education Foundation. Last year Gosha provided more than $5,000 worth of oil, rice, etc. to stave off starvation among the Bantu in Kismayo and provided blankets and plastic tarps for shelter. Gosha worked with the Jubba Valley Development Center on the distribution of these items featured in the photos above.
With recent developments, it seems the security situation for the Bantu in Somalia is only going to worsen. The current government in Mogadishu has now asked the African Union to withdraw from Somalia, maintaining that they are able to govern the still-volatile country on their own. This development does not bode well for the Bantu, who have very little representation in the government.
Somalia has a history of allying itself with various countries at various times, including the former Soviet Union, the United States, and others. Nowadays the government in Mogadishu appears to be turning toward new allies for support, including Turkey, Qatar, and Eritrea, who will potentially assist with maritime issues, intelligence matters, and possibly troops.
In the meantime, the Bantu in Somalia continue to suffer, far away from the TV cameras and seemingly invisible to the rest of the world. Gosha Education Foundation is a (501)(c)(3) organization based in Boise, Idaho. Donations are appreciated. I have been a volunteer with this organization for many years and can assure donors that their contributions go directly to needy members of the Bantu community, both in Africa and in the U.S.